“Find something unique and fresh and make it a little adventure. That can help you add some of the things you loved or appreciated most about being on vacation to your daily life.”
enero 19, 2024 Andrea Sachs
Sin duda, la #aventura y la #exploración espacial es la última frontera.
diciembre 30, 2023Humberto Bedolla
Learning at work is work, and we must make space for it
marzo 22, 2020Gianpiero Petriglieri
#1año1mundo1vuelta 167/365. Labuhan Bajo es un puerto con una bahía pequeña, que no vale casi nada, desde donde se sale a la mítica Isla de Komodo, reino de dragones.
agosto 16, 2017Humberto Bedolla
After listening to my partner about her long-held dream and making it mine, we decided to confront the roots of society and office-working rules by traveling around the world for one year.
enero 30, 2017Humberto Bedolla
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you just about everywhere.
marzo 1, 2016Albert Einstein
A una semanita de los "Big 5" + 3. León, Elefante, Búfalo Rinoceronte y Leopardo + Ballena jorobada, Ballena austral y Tiburon blanco... en Sudáfrica, Namibia y Botswana